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If only Edmund has gone to Raymond or Elijah (sacrificial lambs)

Foxdemona May 6, 2024 9:37 pm

What might have been, if Edmund would have went to either Raymond or Elijah with the truth? Elijah has always expressed a desire to save Edmund if possible from the end result of death. She was an ally that he never considered. However, he was caught in a no win situation. He tried to fight the corruption from within and lost. He was no match for his mother. Therefore, he should have said something to Raymond or Elijah, but even that is a catch 22 situation as well. Damned if he do it and damned if he don't.

It is ironic that both Raymond and Edmund becomes the sacrificial lamb. Raymond was willing to die to save Carlyle, and Edmund becomes the sacrificial lamb to atone for his Mother's sins. In turn, the sins of the mother and father falls upon their individual sons. Thereby, saying this, Carlyle becomes the sacrificial lamb for the sins of the corruption within the royal family itself.
