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I think

chocobuun May 6, 2024 10:30 pm

Personally, I don’t blame mc at all for taeshin’s death. Mainly because taeshin always called the mc multiple times in the middle of the night over things that weren’t important. MC not answering his call that one time, shouldn’t be blamed on him. How was he supposed to know, when taeshin does this all the time? It’s like the boy who cried wolf, taeshin calling him for unimportant matters and then when he actually calls for help- of course there wouldn’t be any thoughts of him being in a bad situation.

    asmiir_ May 7, 2024 1:01 am

    Just wait he’s an ass for sure!! Spoilers and all he just doesn’t have Taeshin in his heart

    Of course the phone call situo was an accident but he’s not at all a friend of Taeshin lol

    Also not opening and even glancing at his belongings that Taeshin sent to him also showcases his cavalier attitude like he’s just numb to everything (again not his fault with his chaotic family life) I just wished he showed more respect for Taeshin especially considering Taeshin only had him

    chocobuun May 7, 2024 1:14 am
    Just wait he’s an ass for sure!! Spoilers and all he just doesn’t have Taeshin in his heart Of course the phone call situo was an accident but he’s not at all a friend of Taeshin lol Also not opening and... asmiir_

    Well I didn’t disagree that he is an ass. But that was a known thing since chapter one lol. I don’t particularly care that he is. I’m just saying that I don’t blame the mc for his death or specifically not picking up the call. I already know that the mc was not taeshin’s friend since mc clearly had no interest in being friends with him. The story had clearly shown that mc feels numb to everything.

    Taeshin also seemed like he thought of mc as someone to just spill everything he wanted to say one-sidedly. Realistically, someone calling you multiple times (not even leaving a text to say what’s up, but just calling until the other person picks up) in the middle of the night mostly to tell unimportant stuff 24/7 is crazy. Taeshin didn’t really care or think of the mc sleeping or being busy in the middle of the night. It always seemed like a one-sided friendship or taeshin just wanted someone to listen to his life story, it could’ve been anyone- not just mc.

    chocobuun May 7, 2024 1:16 am
    Just wait he’s an ass for sure!! Spoilers and all he just doesn’t have Taeshin in his heart Of course the phone call situo was an accident but he’s not at all a friend of Taeshin lol Also not opening and... asmiir_

    Anyways I’ve personally known people like taeshin. The type of “friend” that only wants to do what they want and wants their friend to listen to their thoughts- but not really care to ask anything about their friend or listen to the friend.

    asmiir_ May 7, 2024 1:29 am
    Well I didn’t disagree that he is an ass. But that was a known thing since chapter one lol. I don’t particularly care that he is. I’m just saying that I don’t blame the mc for his death or specifically ... chocobuun

    True Taeshin was a mess of itself but truthfully I think the MC considered him to be his friend because he felt involved in his life and even after all that incessant calling, he never once drew the boundary between them. I feel like the author showcased that he felt entitled or involved with Taeshin as remnants of his past life (before the showdown of his family life)

    Furthermore, I think after the fact of his death when he went to his funeral and highlighted that he was only there for Taeshin’s virtue and that everyone else was for networking and contracts was so poignant..

    In the future chapters is where I got upset at his actions because he feels wishy washy on what Taeshin means to him in regards to ML and reading the spoilers I don’t feel that he was that good of a friend..

    The author even said that this story isn’t about Taeshin and his “redemption” so I just sympathize with him (especially with the spoilers on his crazy family)