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Explanation of the ending

Sighs May 6, 2024 11:27 pm

Guys.... this is the explanation of the ending.

1. The original Ban Yoo has returned to his body, that's why he's missing memories and can't cook.

2. The Ban Yoo that had the star mission had the choice to either stay as Ban Yoo or to live life as someone as his own self but still having his memories.

3. We're all sad that Ban Yoo with the star mission didn't stay as Ban Yoo. But we have to remember he has always thought of what would happen to the original Ban Yoo, as well as, his other lifetime memories. So I think the ending was what we needed. Both Ban Yoos get the chance to live their lives while doing something they have/will learn to love.

    minie May 7, 2024 4:19 am

    i dont understand the ending. thank you for your explanation.