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Crown prince is awful and I hope they don’t get together

Witchery May 7, 2024 2:48 am

He was basically told that he would be constantly monitored, was no longer allowed to go out freely, had to get married to a man he didn’t know or choose, have children whether he wanted them or not, live his entire life fulfilling the role of queen, and give up all of his dreams just because the royal family wanted it, and was just expected to be cool with it. The royal family basically leveraged his medical condition to force his parents to “agree”. Crown prince shouldn’t be shocked that the partner his family all but purchased for him isn’t happy about the situation. The level of disregard for his supposed love’s choices and goals is actually breathtaking. Stories like this usually conjure up random problems (such as even bigger assholes) for the narcissistic ml to magically “solve” to justify their behavior and explain why the mc somehow decides to like them.
