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tbh i wouldnt look for him. ghosting is such a fucking shitty thing to do, it makes people...

huehuehue May 7, 2024 3:27 am

tbh i wouldnt look for him.
ghosting is such a fucking shitty thing to do, it makes people feel misierable, but it might bring closure to the uke if he sees that the seme has thrown him away.
i hope the uke wont chase the seme, because i want the seme to make up for that shit.
its okay to chase your dreams and if you're ready to give up on a relationship for this well okay but at least talk to your partner thats your duty has his partner!

    Hiroshi May 7, 2024 11:45 am

    Sometimes we can't help

    huehuehue May 7, 2024 2:33 pm
    Sometimes we can't help Hiroshi

    if you are/were in a healthy normal relationship its commune sense to do so.
    i dont care, if you dont want to talk, write a letter but at least let your partner know.
    anything else is just shitty and that person doesnt derserve the other person who were ghosted.
    Thats my opinion, living with others means being consindered and trying to see the pov of your partner not only yours, if you're in a dark mental heath spot let your partner now as soon as you're a bit better or as i said write a letter. Few pennies for a letter stamp should be no problem.