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Am I the only one who DOESNT like choi mujin

Hopepehehehehe May 7, 2024 4:40 am

Like I've seen worse than him but he really is kind of annoying, from his personality to his behavior as a character, he just kinda just does whatever makes the mc uncomfortable I dunno I just feel like whenever he's around things for everyone get harder and over complicated. I have no problem with the mujin likers tho it's a me thing

    Turnip May 7, 2024 9:39 am

    I don't get why people like him tbh . . . The only remotely redeeming aspect to his character is his affection for the mc but he's only ever toxic about that too.
    He is literally the epitome of the shittiest capitalist who manufactures situations where he can prey on vulnerable families for profit and he hasn't even been given any justifiable reason or sympathetic backstory as to why he's just the worst

    I feel like mujin fans like the bad-ass, morally-grey gangster/CEO stereotype character
    But usually those characters have that sympathetic backstory or have some kind of vulnerability or a relatable motivation so I can understand people liking that kind of character even if they have done/actively do reprehensible things

    But I feel like mujin is just really flat. He has the aesthetics of that kind of character but is just an asshole and isn't even that bad-ass or anything

    . . . Now that I think about it again it's more likely the romance trope where it's the "he's an asshole to everyone but he's different with me and that makes me feel special" kind of thing