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His job ain’t to make you enjoy life man.

puresaltt May 7, 2024 6:52 am

I just…dude, get a job, find a hobby. I guarantee if he’d also gotten a job (or stayed in uni) things wouldn’t be this bad. A big reason the difference in their free time and stuff is so visible to him is BECAUSE he’s doing NOTHING, unlike the other guy. Even the dropping out of university isn’t end all, cause you can still get a job (albeit not as easy nowadays but it’s possible).

Also, buddy should’ve kicked him out a while ago. I understand needing time to get back on your feet or figuring things out and I’d totally help a good friend in need, but this goes way beyond that. He doesn’t pay the bills? Kick him out and he’ll see just how much he’s gonna need to get a real job. He is a whole problem even without the assault and victim blaming factors, it’s terrible.
