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why i like this webtoon

eye May 7, 2024 1:20 pm

ok, i really like this which apparently is an unpopular opinion lol. i dont really care about the other characters, im mostly here for the fl. the men annoy me (esp the uncle bro im sure he doesnt have a brain but well i’ve met people like him irl so i get it and it doesn’t affect me as much as the next guy) but the fl is so fun to read imo. she’s kinda of op bc shes pretty but the way she uses her power is so interesting to me lol.

she actually acts like a villainess, like those white lotus villains we see in other novels. she uses her charm to get her way and we know people think she’s nicer than she is because of the halo effect probably. but also it bothers me that she’s so good at acting but was literally nothing in her old life but yk, it gives kind of a solid explanation although its a boring basic one.

she’s also lowkey a bop LOL but if i transmigrated to a pretty girl i’d be one too so i relate. i just think this is a fun light hearted read when you want to watch a main character who acts like a villainess but masks as a white lotus. like she’s genuinely kinda evil (she uses people to her advantage and lowkey i dont even think she sees them as actual people with feelings and stuff) and she’s manipulative. its kinda fresh to see because instead of a villainess that turns into a main character because they’re inherently good, our fl is a main character that acts like a villaness behind the scenes because she’s inherently manipulative although her actions do have a justifiable reason, most people wouldn’t choose or make her decisions.

idk i just wanted to put it out there HAHAHAHAH
