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Can someone explain the relationship between Isabelle and agia before I keep reading, he's...

Zero May 7, 2024 2:56 pm

Can someone explain the relationship between Isabelle and agia before I keep reading, he's acting sus whenever she's brought up so were they a thing?

    Panstyr May 7, 2024 8:29 pm

    Because everyone believed isabelle was "the fake moon" the church told the two of them that they are destined for each other, so they started living together. Even though there was never love between them. As far as I know there was never anything intimate between them...

    thatonefriend May 8, 2024 1:38 am

    So Isabelle was originally believed to be the human of the moon. But after spending a blood moon with agia and being unable to calm/soothe him and being kidnapped by a vampire, taken to vercike but then let go, it was then realized she was not the person of the moon. As we know Agia saw the prophecy as his only out from the church and escape the pain and suffering he faces as the person of the night, especially on blood moons, he was willing and ready to die for the prophecy. He has a strong fear about losing control and something he saw that we aren’t 100% clear on which is also fueling his desire to jump ship.

    As far as I am aware, Isabelle did not originally know that fulfilling the prophecy meant she had to die and she was also already tired of the church, so she eventually ran away after all that , or better yet, did not return to the church after being released by vercike. Agia and her were friends in their youth so she is/was a sensitive
    topic bc the church was wrong about her being the human of the moon, after spending all that time cultivating a relationship/companionship and then she disappeared so it was just a lot happening. Hope that helps! Also please anyone correct me if i missed any details