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I feel so bad for MC. Throughout all her lives she's been killed unjustly, abused, betraye...

CarnisoAlly May 7, 2024 3:54 pm

I feel so bad for MC. Throughout all her lives she's been killed unjustly, abused, betrayed, hurt, groomed as a child, and raped. WTF

That fucking pedophile, the demon guy who possessed the king of the underground Etl, mother fucker die. He basically groomed her since she was a child, from a child soldier and then slept with her later, it's fucking sick, i hope he dies painfully.

I hope MC ends up happy in the end. Her brother and the Crown Prince are super cute characters, and i love the redemption of the Empress/Queen and how she changed for the better, go girl. It's all the men's fault, fucking emperor.

I love the three knights, especially the one that came from the underground city <3

As for the ML, once again i suffer from 2nd ML syndrome, and i think Camille is kinda extra but oh well. He's not the worst but he's not the best.
