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Fool May 7, 2024 4:45 pm

Everyone, it's a dark romance, what do y'all expect? If it's not for you, you can always stop, and read those that you can actually enjoy, if this ain't for you, that's fine. But that's fucked up of you to judge others that actually read this and find it fun, don't ruin the fun of others just because you don't like it, and made it your goal to make others do the same. And don't compare it to real life, you need reality check if you think— just because others find this enjoyable doesn't mean they would too in real life. DON'T MIX FICTION WITH REALITY.

I tried to reread chapter 29 —the uncensored one, I wanted to see if tsar has a pretty dick— whut the fuck, I know Tsar is BIG, but that thing is a weapon, it can actually kill, whut the fuck?( ̄∇ ̄")

    Cece May 14, 2024 10:28 pm

    I agree with you mostly, no one should be shamed for liking something just because they didn't like it. But I also love dark romance, and even if it does include rape etc I don't mind it if it's done in an alright way. But this was building up sooo nicely while still keeping the dark atmosphere only for it to do a complete 180 and throw a super out of place rape/kidnapping scene. Of course people are gonna be mad and disgusted by that. It ruined the manhwa for me.

    Moonpie May 16, 2024 8:11 am
    I agree with you mostly, no one should be shamed for liking something just because they didn't like it. But I also love dark romance, and even if it does include rape etc I don't mind it if it's done in an alri... Cece

    I really agree, I absolutely loved reading this a while back, matter of fact, I felt like it was a breathe of fresh of air. The fact that I gotta keep sitting around worrying about "will there be a rape scene?" isn't exactly something that I wanna have to worry about EVERY time I read a new bl. It's tiring, the trope is tiring. It's not hard to not have that kind of 180 in your story, yet so many do. I can't properly seperate them when it's constantly being depicted all the time...

    Cece May 16, 2024 10:39 am
    I really agree, I absolutely loved reading this a while back, matter of fact, I felt like it was a breathe of fresh of air. The fact that I gotta keep sitting around worrying about "will there be a rape scene?"... Moonpie

    Yeah i was insanely into it! They had GREAT chemistry and phenomenal build up. I was on the damn edge of my seat waiting for their relationship to develop. You can 100% do dark without rape. Like obviously Ceasar wasn't gonna be some green flag ready to kiss the ground he walks on, but you could have kept that eerieness

    Cece May 16, 2024 10:41 am
    I really agree, I absolutely loved reading this a while back, matter of fact, I felt like it was a breathe of fresh of air. The fact that I gotta keep sitting around worrying about "will there be a rape scene?"... Moonpie

    (Accidentally posted LOL so continuing)

    That eerieness without throwing in what they did. It didn't fit their vibe AT ALL.