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DAAAAAMNMN ,PSYCHOSIS ALLERT ..well I already hated this manhwa but I hope they don't end...

Gigi May 8, 2024 1:53 am

DAAAAAMNMN ,PSYCHOSIS ALLERT ..well I already hated this manhwa but I hope they don't end up together HOLY FUCK ,WHY DID START SWINGING AT HIM LIKE THAT

    Lua May 8, 2024 12:14 pm

    Nah. There's a lot of toxicity that I can take but straight up hurting uke I don't like. It's too real and in real situations they shouldn't and wouldn't end up happy together

    Gigi May 8, 2024 2:18 pm
    Nah. There's a lot of toxicity that I can take but straight up hurting uke I don't like. It's too real and in real situations they shouldn't and wouldn't end up happy together Lua

    You'd be surprised bro...