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So glad they communicated about their feelings. Eunho was vulnerable and Jaewon realized "...

0SilverRevil0 May 8, 2024 2:41 am

So glad they communicated about their feelings. Eunho was vulnerable and Jaewon realized "ah.. what I'm doing is wrong. I'm a piece of scum worse than trash" which real. He has a sadist fetish, he likes to tease Eunho and has been part of the people in Eunho's life that takes advantage of him. But Eunho doesn't care. He has his own trauma but he is an ADULT MAN and he knows who takes advantage of him, who doesn't and who likes him and who doesn't. He's well aware Jaewon has no sorts of romantic feelings like he does ( FOR NOW !!!). He has been well aware Jaewon has been teasing and taking advantage of him. Now that Jaewon went out of his way to protect Eunho from those around him (despite knowing he's a hypocrite who's ALSO hurting Eunho) things will start to change and they'll become closer. One thing I love about this is that their characters are so profoundly HUMAN. They know they are flawed themselves. They know what's holding them back from being free/happy or about what trauma they suffers. They acknowledged if they're trash or a crybaby easy for people to prey upon. I love that. I am happy they can acknowledge their MISTAKES. Because how come fictional characters can do that and people IN REAL LIFE fail to do so? Really cool series.
