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The emperor is so dumb πŸ’€ no wonder you aint got big power bruh, youre so caught up in g...

Cheesy1351 May 8, 2024 8:06 am

The emperor is so dumb no wonder you aint got big power bruh, youre so caught up in grief that you make rash decisions. Like i get it its sad that your wife died but you have to think the best for her like im sure she wants your dumbass to give her maid the best life and trust her. The evidence was clear, theres even witnesses, but bro is so emotional and impulsive. AHHHH DIEEEEEE OLD BITCH ITS BEEN 7 YEARS

    just reading May 14, 2024 11:23 pm

    period?!! i get that he’s grieving but he’s the king, if he can’t do his job right then retire?!? #-.-) and that 1st prince i dont like him very much