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Yeonu is one for he worst mcs ever

Tuna May 8, 2024 11:52 am

What is up with yeonu bro he’s such a pushover and doesn’t ever set proper boundaries here dohyeon is being clear and getting consent and yeonu is able to clearly put a stop to any sexual stuff with him when they break up but with Jae he jsut lets himself be fondled and sexually harassed??? While being in a relationship and even after. Dohyeon is a saint for being able to withstand all that he didn’t get angry even once for how many times yeonu basically cheated on him and didn’t even trust him enough that he took his fucking ID and sneaked into his office!! The relationship would be over right there. Dohyeons chapter about how commendable he found yeonu is so dumb bc he doesn’t deserve all that credit and “I should’ve trusted him more”??? That’s what yeonu should’ve done not dohyeon wtf man I can’t handle this yeonu is the worst type of lover smh
