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Mf slept with the reincarnation of their own parent? Freud would be turning in his grave! ...

ajonais May 8, 2024 12:54 pm

Mf slept with the reincarnation of their own parent? Freud would be turning in his grave! Naur why do I always end up stumbling upon this incestuous things every now and then but I'll stick till the end and see how it ends.

    ajonais May 8, 2024 12:55 pm

    Hope this ends before my degree ends me

    Coco goddess May 8, 2024 4:59 pm

    Technically not incest because they aren’t related by blood which is the true meaning of the word . I keep seeing the misuse of the word and driving me nuts. But it’s still crazy that people thinks he wants to have sex with him I don’t feel that vibe at all

    ajonais May 9, 2024 3:23 pm
    Technically not incest because they aren’t related by blood which is the true meaning of the word . I keep seeing the misuse of the word and driving me nuts. But it’s still crazy that people thinks he wants... Coco goddess

    I do know what incest means and idc