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Quick question but is Jigu's voice chat display name the same with his ACTUAL name? And if...

Rowan May 8, 2024 1:53 pm

Quick question but is Jigu's voice chat display name the same with his ACTUAL name? And if so, why doesn't the mc find it suspicious or smt

    SpikedChaiTea May 8, 2024 2:05 pm

    I’m pretty sure he would think it’s just a coincidence. Besides Jigu’s accent, there’s no way that the MC even knows that they live in the same region. It’s like if your neighbor was named Charles and a person you know online is named Charles. You wouldn’t automatically think they’re the same person (unless Jigu is a pretty uncommon name, in which case that point falls a little flat, but the idea is still the same… so many people in one city means the likelihood of two people having the same name is pretty high).

    The real question is how does he not recognize his voice/mannerisms??? I think the MC is just mad unobservant

    Simp May 8, 2024 3:14 pm
    I’m pretty sure he would think it’s just a coincidence. Besides Jigu’s accent, there’s no way that the MC even knows that they live in the same region. It’s like if your neighbor was named Charles and... SpikedChaiTea

    Pretty sure the mc even admitted it was unique TT i think our mc is just slow

    Rowan May 9, 2024 12:21 pm
    I’m pretty sure he would think it’s just a coincidence. Besides Jigu’s accent, there’s no way that the MC even knows that they live in the same region. It’s like if your neighbor was named Charles and... SpikedChaiTea

    Okay, thanks yall!!! I was also wondering how he doesn't rlly notice Jigu's mannerism but also bc J9star and Jigu pretty much act NOTHING alike J9star is all goofy and all and Jigu hasn't rlly shown other sides to him except for being skittish and jumpy.