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id give this a five but…

justlizards May 9, 2024 6:30 am

I do like the storyline don’t give me wrong but the story I feel like could have used just a tiny bit more development. I like how the guy comforted him and made sure that he knew he wasn’t gonna leave him, but I feel like the trauma from being abandoned isn’t so easily gotten rid of. As well, the story behind the ex was kind of gloss over and I feel like the detail of that story could’ve maybe been gone through because that was one of the key issues of his abandonment. The story is not rushed or anything, but what also gets me is the fact that the main love has not said I love you once in the entire story and correct me if I’m wrong, but I did not see that anywhere. And he wanted to propose but it Was so unromantic and the way that he did so lmao.
