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im kind of agreeing to someone who commented about the fact that the humans actually did k...

sushi May 9, 2024 9:52 am

im kind of agreeing to someone who commented about the fact that the humans actually did kill cain and blamed it on vercike. bcs that makes so much sense.

the humans probably felt threatened having a vampire be associated with the god of moon and death. they probably felt scared, but they knew they cant kill vercike and only agio can. so they kill agio's one weakness, his other half (i honestly squealed when i read this line GOD PLS SOMEONE LIKE AGIO) and blame it on vercike. they know agio doesnt fully trust vercike, so they used that against him.

i also dont agree with people who say that vercike is sexually attracted to ken. i feel like vercike sees ken/cain as a parent figure. thats it, i dont feel any sexual tension between them at all.

pls i hope they live together as a happy family. agio, cain, and vercike do not deserve what they went through. humans and the church are manipulative lying scumbags, they deserve to extinct.

    Hallie May 15, 2024 7:37 am

    but didn't Vercike fuck Ken using Ian's body in season 1 tho?

    sushi May 15, 2024 3:16 pm
    but didn't Vercike fuck Ken using Ian's body in season 1 tho? Hallie

    see now ,, someone said vercike did that cs ken was drugged or smthn,