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The whole kids thing

AlicesWh0reH0use May 9, 2024 11:56 am

It's really know considering....idk why BL authors do odd...

    Quest May 9, 2024 11:57 am

    Yeah a lot of BL authors seem to do this sometimes they're quite wholesome but other times when you consider the rest of the story it's just

    AlicesWh0reH0use May 9, 2024 12:17 pm
    Yeah a lot of BL authors seem to do this sometimes they're quite wholesome but other times when you consider the rest of the story it's just Quest

    Right! it's a lil weird lol

    no_lane May 9, 2024 12:27 pm

    Care to explain why this is weird ╥﹏╥

    Ace May 9, 2024 12:27 pm

    Naaaahhh YOU'RE THE WEIRD ONE. Making clearly innocent things look weird co you've got that creepy pov says more about you than the art. People see things from their glasses so clearly You're the creepy weird one here. Ewwwww

    AlicesWh0reH0use May 9, 2024 12:47 pm
    Naaaahhh YOU'RE THE WEIRD ONE. Making clearly innocent things look weird co you've got that creepy pov says more about you than the art. People see things from their glasses so clearly You're the creepy weird o... Ace

    Actually this answer says more about you cause what direction are you looking at this from? Lol We have watched this man physically and emotionally abused Dan page after page after page. Why would you want to see him with children?!? He can't be around adults why would you trust him near a child!?! He shouldn't be beat any human being he should be put in a straight jacket and locked in a padded room for being crazy. There is nothing innocent about this man period so I repeat this is weird the fact that people want to see this man near anyone especially a child with how abusive he is are the weird ones ╥﹏╥

    AlicesWh0reH0use May 9, 2024 12:51 pm
    Care to explain why this is weird ╥﹏╥ no_lane

    Cause all this story has taught me is that he's abusive that's it so think about him married and with kids from what we know of him? Do you not just see him abusing not only his partner but his child? Cause that's all I see ╥﹏╥ nothing has told me that he is emotionally mature enough to not only have a child but raise it. He's likely to fly off the handle and smack the kid for crying.

    no_lane May 9, 2024 1:02 pm
    Cause all this story has taught me is that he's abusive that's it so think about him married and with kids from what we know of him? Do you not just see him abusing not only his partner but his child? Cause tha... AlicesWh0reH0use

    I personally think the author is making this out to be nithing ur imagining rn. Like looking it in a lense where all of them made up of smth. It's supposed to be an extra content on children's day supposedly as a "break" for the serious non progressive arcs/finale. Knowing or reading much worse MLs out there, I think jaekyung is an abusive mf but he's not that worse to harass children lmao. Besides, the author is clearly enjoying the Jerk × kind trope where the jerk ml runs after the the kind mc. So yeah, he's shit but he personally he wouldn't beat up any child [of course this is is just from reading multiple bls and comparing]

    AlicesWh0reH0use May 9, 2024 1:05 pm
    I personally think the author is making this out to be nithing ur imagining rn. Like looking it in a lense where all of them made up of smth. It's supposed to be an extra content on children's day supposedly as... no_lane

    Nothing has shown us that tho the only compassion we have seen from this man is with Dan's grandma that's it. There's no way he could handle a child lol like I know we hit the point where he's supposed to turn around and become a better person but all I think of when seeing this photo is the moment they cry he's gonna smack them and considering he's a fighter they would die (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 this man does not say compassion at all of the author wanted this to be cute they should have started his turn around arch a while back lol

    no_lane May 9, 2024 1:26 pm
    Nothing has shown us that tho the only compassion we have seen from this man is with Dan's grandma that's it. There's no way he could handle a child lol like I know we hit the point where he's supposed to turn ... AlicesWh0reH0use

    I mean the author had mapped out her plot from start to finish?? She says that she'd show Jaekyung's softness on season 2 so there's that. She wouldn't change the timeline of events just so that she can draw something random on children's day just so not to receive weird comments lol. And yeah, I'm pretty much sure that Jaekyung can't handle children . he'd be awkward but not abusive lol. The author's story is abusive but it wouldn't turn THAT way lol

    AlicesWh0reH0use May 9, 2024 1:34 pm
    I mean the author had mapped out her plot from start to finish?? She says that she'd show Jaekyung's softness on season 2 so there's that. She wouldn't change the timeline of events just so that she can draw so... no_lane

    I don't follow the author personally so I didn't know what she had planned for the story I just assumed it's the turn around point cause it feels that way though no matter what she does he will always be a asshole I'm my eyes what he did you can't really make up for honestly...but I'll accept it's where the story goes. Honestly it would have made more sense of they were just all children then she wouldn't be getting the weird pedo comments along with the he would definitely abuse kids ones. It just doesn't make any sense from the story they created hence the drama. Like I get it's not apart of the story but what do you expect after creating a character that people hate lol

    Shinn May 9, 2024 1:37 pm

    Why are you so bothered about this?? Go protest somewhere else cuz this isn’t really that deep to cry about weirdo

    AlicesWh0reH0use May 9, 2024 1:42 pm
    Why are you so bothered about this?? Go protest somewhere else cuz this isn’t really that deep to cry about weirdo Shinn

    Oh look you're here too lol why do you feel the need to search for me in the comments? ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ looks like someone else is also bothered lmfao

    Shinn May 9, 2024 1:48 pm
    Oh look you're here too lol why do you feel the need to search for me in the comments? ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ looks like someone else is also bothered lmfao AlicesWh0reH0use

    I am bothered cuz you’re all over the place I’m trying to say you don’t need to be so aggressive treating everything that’s happening in the manhwa as if it is real life. I want you to mature up and just don’t be that person protesting about the wrong ideas aggressively

    Shinn May 9, 2024 1:49 pm
    Oh look you're here too lol why do you feel the need to search for me in the comments? ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ looks like someone else is also bothered lmfao AlicesWh0reH0use

    You’re literally causing an unwanted war in the comments so stop already nothing to argue dude

    AlicesWh0reH0use May 9, 2024 1:51 pm

    "Nothing to argue" Again. YOU. FOUND. ME. Lmfao not the other way around. Keep that in mind lol