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Azy May 9, 2024 12:32 pm

finally reached this chapter! after 2 months of pulling an all nighter to binge read this and take weeks of rest it was worth it! I'm thrilled to know the truth behind Mahon's death. i know that it wasn't obviously su*cide, given the fact that mahon's not the type of person to give up after years of hardwork. he was meant to avenge for kazuma's death and show the world about league of street. though, at the same time i feel kind of anxious in how HB will expose behind LOS since sangho and JR pharmaceutical have many famous companies backing them up and have lots of connections. still, i wish sangho would spill the truth about it.

lol, i convinced everyone i know including my parents to read this(luckily they didn't since they'll think im being influenced by this in a bad way) just for me to share theories and spoilers with someone
