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I think a lot of people forget, when we're talking about historically accurate genres wher...

ThotChocolate May 9, 2024 3:08 pm

I think a lot of people forget, when we're talking about historically accurate genres where the gender roles are ESPECIALLY accurate, no matter how much a woman struggles nobody will hear her. This is due to the fact men have so much power, and because of that women are often treated as pawn pieces. We've been spoiled with most fantasy """historical""" comics, where women are able to do all of this shit and get away with standing up to those who oppress them... But when that happened in real life, often times it'd lead to their death without anyone really fully questioning whatever happened to them.

The FL IS strong. How many of us can say we would be able to go through what she goes through without killing ourselves? Women were traded here and there to grotesque old men, even if they were underage, because of money or influence. She thought he was her savior, but in reality he was the one who probably caused everything. She is holding out for a possible chance of escaping, but she knows due to her blonde hair being rare and the fact that the old creep would send people after her, she'd never get away. What other opportunity does she have except this random man who came saying he's the son of said creep??? She's doing EVERYTHING she can to survive. She probably thinks that the old guy won't live for too much longer, he must be somewhere around 50-60 years old. In this time period you rarely hear people live to 80.

I am tired of men being saviors as well, trust me. Men are gross tbh but the fact is he's her best chance of changing her fate. I just hope he doesn't fuck her over like everyone else has

    asmiir_ May 9, 2024 4:14 pm

    No 100%

    Weren’t women and the like discarded even if the evidence said otherwise? Because of honor and the like, they were thrown to the wolves..

    I hope he isn’t planning to use her but it seems like he’s just in it to ruin the father and just wants to help her somewhat not truly..

    I also like how he never lets her fall into despair or woe is me and encourages her to never give up (read the rest of the chapters till 16)

    It’s such an interesting plot and the FL is so infallible because if it was me in her situation I’d run away even if that meant courting death :(

    ThotChocolate May 10, 2024 1:12 am
    No 100% Weren’t women and the like discarded even if the evidence said otherwise? Because of honor and the like, they were thrown to the wolves.. I hope he isn’t planning to use her but it seems like he’s... asmiir_

    Yes, they were! It was horrible to be a woman. Being born as nobility only gave a slight cushion but they were still only to "be seen not heard" pretty much.

    I hope he stays that way!!! In a previous comment I said he seems kinda... Iffy, a little psycho. When he saw her he instantly was interested in her, not because of her being the father's potential partner but for her looks. He's looking through the keyhole, he's being a gentleman with her yes but at the same time... Idk man so far all of the men in this story have been shit (which tbh at that time I'm not surprised)

    asmiir_ May 10, 2024 1:22 am
    Yes, they were! It was horrible to be a woman. Being born as nobility only gave a slight cushion but they were still only to "be seen not heard" pretty much.I hope he stays that way!!! In a previous comment I s... ThotChocolate

    Yeah remember how in Germany in the Middle Ages.. they had the most women killed and burned on the stake for being supposedly “witches”

    ThotChocolate May 10, 2024 1:58 am
    Yeah remember how in Germany in the Middle Ages.. they had the most women killed and burned on the stake for being supposedly “witches” asmiir_

    Exactly!!! It's horrible... A lot of it had to do with mass hysteria, but most "witches" were accused just because they had a birth mark or because they were slightly different. It's... Horrible, not that things have changed so drastically, but at least it's not to the extent it was back then.