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Alright alright. Let me attempt to explain the while political nonsense. -MC is the ille...

SpaceGirl868 May 9, 2024 11:34 pm

Alright alright. Let me attempt to explain the while political nonsense.

-MC is the illegitimate daughter of the pope. She has no noble background. She only has some honour being the Pope's daughter. She is not on equal ground with the crown prince.
-The Prince was to be wed to that crazy Grand Duchess with the brown hair in order to form and alliance with another country. He was pretending to woo her to do his duty as Crown Prince but secretly meeting with MC. He eventually had the guts to decline the marriage to be with MC
- however the Duchess didnt take it well was easily manipulated by a Duke that came with her to negotiate the alliance but also monitor her cause he was rivals with her father with. she ordered MC killed. The Duke essentially wanted MC killed in order to cause a scandal for the Duchess and make her and her family look bad.
- the plan went to shit when the Prince rescued MC and killed the duke.
- not only did they kill someone but it was the highest ranking Duke of another country so they're fucked
- it would also be a major scandal if people found them near the dukes body with the note the Duchess wrote to have MC killed in his coat. Since MC is of lower status and a women, she would have most likely been blamed for it. They would have linked the relationship between her and the crown prince the reason the Duchess wanted her killed.
- while the Prince is a Prince, he honestly lacks the power and influence to be able to protect MC. So he took it to the Queen his mom, who obviously isn't too pleased cause she knows this happened cause he called off the marriage. The Prince knew there would be an investigation and he only asked to keep the MC's name out of it so no one would question her honour. (Since she would be known as the Prince's mistress and people was obsessed with virtue and purity back then) the prince wanted to incriminate himself buy obviously MC and the Queen were against it.
- not politics related but the Queen is a very strong woman. The king ended up hearing about the incident and came to her, knowing the Prince would be there and she protected him and the MC, getting beat to shit from the king in his anger. That one scene alone shows how weak the Prince actually is. He couldn't even protect his mother in that moment.
- MC figures that to avoid the Prince getting into trouble, a decoy needed to be blamed and the Prince's guard decided to take the fall. He also sees it as atonement for falling in love with MC, even though he knew she was the Prince's woman.
- anyway, after that MC and the Queen meet and MC realises she has to be a little crazy to get her plans to work to save the Queen and Prince. She know the King really is eager to form the marriage alliance with the other country so he wasn't going to end it. Her plan was the spread rumors in the other kingdom that they kingdom (hers) were using the death of the Duke to push the alliance and make it look like the other kingdom would have been pitiful to accept it.
- her second plan was to target the Duchess' father, the Grand Duke because he had the most to lose if the letter actually came out. The Queen was to basically strongly advise him to call off the engagement and bring the Duchess home. Killing 2 birds with one stone cause now the engagement is off and the Duchess is back home.
- MC was invited to stay as a guest in the Queen's Palace to avoid gossip and she's currently unable to meet the prince so people won't know she's not associated with him. One thing to mention is that she pledged her loyalty to him, even tho they might not be end game, MCs main focus now is the Prince's happiness.

Well good luck Reading and I hope this helps.

    Nakyo May 14, 2024 10:33 pm

    Thanks for explaining and sumarazing it! But I really wonder why didn't they just get rid of that paper the duke had with him?

    SpaceGirl868 May 15, 2024 1:39 am
    Thanks for explaining and sumarazing it! But I really wonder why didn't they just get rid of that paper the duke had with him? Nakyo

    Np! Oh after showing it to the Queen they got rid of it. I think all the shock of the situation made them take it to show her in the first place

    kirishimahoe May 17, 2024 3:51 am

    hii did you read the novel? is the ML
    caesar? or is there hint whos going to be ML

    Haera May 24, 2024 3:15 pm
    hii did you read the novel? is the MLcaesar? or is there hint whos going to be ML kirishimahoe

    I seriously need someone to gimme spoiler on the ML because at this point caesar is giving “a villain who will sacrifice the world for you” vibe. Idk but im hoping for a plot twist to happen. Perhaps caesar had his own reason for betraying/using the FM before (to save her maybe?)