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br0ken4ngel May 10, 2024 12:01 am

GUYS THIS ISNT EVEN FUNNY LIKE Siwoo and dohyeok deserve their own manhwa withh 100+ chapters ... their relationship is too complex to be wrapped up in a 33 chpt side story

the author dedicated time and effort to create these characters with such layered story and then didnt even give them the space/chapters they deserve...

Theres not many bls made to this level of emotional intelligence so i really dont understand why the author is going back to the main couple when there is so much more to be done with the sihyeok relationship ╥﹏╥ i feel heartbroken whne i saw the update abt the main couple getting a side story, whne i first read this i saw a comment saying that the author announced another side story to come out around summer 2024... and i was so hopeful that it wld be abt sihyeok and honestly didnt even consider that it might be abt the main couple, i feel in pain like i have been betrayed, 3 yrs ago today i lost it all, i want it back, i want the avatar, i want my honour.

    embarrassedisanunderstatement May 10, 2024 12:12 am

    POOKIE this is everything I feel put into words

    fallen_4ngel May 11, 2024 2:46 pm

    it must be said… the whole point of the side story is the making and walking away from a toxic relationship. our brown hair babe is the ultimate green flag and realised that instead of wasting time on trying to fix the man who literally r-ed his best friend, threatened him, his employees and his business (and deffo other stuff i forgot) it would be better for him and the people around him if he moved on.

    there should not be another side story of them getting together again. i’m cool with one on them individually or like years in the future where they come together to talk about the situation and red head can apologise for all the shit he did and move on. but omg THEY CANNOT GET BACK TOGETHER AGAIN. if they do the author is just shitting on the decision brown hair man made and giving no respect to the development he made over the relationship time.

    i do love this story but i think it should end. we shouldn’t force the author to jump the shark to satisfy our need for a happy ending (which actually isn’t even happy it would just be like 2 people trauma bonded to each other). it also just like tells people that if they stick with their toxic and abusive relationships they can fix the other person and everything will be fine in the end (which is not true in the slightest). i also feel like green flag didn’t even like red flag that much, sure does he have sympathy, see the potential for good and want to understand red flag but at no point does he really like or love him. he just grows fond and understands him better which made him want to grow closer. once he realises that red flag doesn’t even want to change he lets go. cuz u can’t help someone if they dont want to help themself. the side story is clearly finished and adding more would just kind of make it not as good anymore.

    also like idk what adding more stories of the main couple would do. i think the author should just leave this work behind to create something new. i think we should strive for quality of work instead of quantity.

    anyways luv ya if anyone reads this
    ps. i low-key forgot the names and called them green flag and red flag
    pps. ik i focused on green flag and not red but like if one person wants the relationship to end it ends. relationships are at the consent of 2 people and you can’t force someone who doesn’t want to be in a relationship to be in it. so that is why no matter how much red flag wants to be in a relationship with green flag, he can’t. unless green flag changes his mind which he won’t cuz he’s the ultimate GREEN FLAG

    omg i wrote a lot

    br0ken4ngel May 11, 2024 9:23 pm
    it must be said… the whole point of the side story is the making and walking away from a toxic relationship. our brown hair babe is the ultimate green flag and realised that instead of wasting time on trying ... fallen_4ngel

    ok u ate that up ╥﹏╥ all your points make so much sense and help me understand the healthy way to view this relationship ... i still wish we get SOME sihyeok content in the new chapters at least just something anything at alllll even if its not them ending up together

    Also ..okay name twin!!!! Less goooo ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    fallen_4ngel May 11, 2024 11:31 pm
    ok u ate that up ╥﹏╥ all your points make so much sense and help me understand the healthy way to view this relationship ... i still wish we get SOME sihyeok content in the new chapters at least just som... br0ken4ngel

    i am a healthy relationship and self respect stan. it is my duty to spread that throughout the universe. (▰˘◡˘▰)

    llucia May 25, 2024 9:40 am
    it must be said… the whole point of the side story is the making and walking away from a toxic relationship. our brown hair babe is the ultimate green flag and realised that instead of wasting time on trying ... fallen_4ngel

    You ATE !

    Butterflew May 31, 2024 4:57 pm
    it must be said… the whole point of the side story is the making and walking away from a toxic relationship. our brown hair babe is the ultimate green flag and realised that instead of wasting time on trying ... fallen_4ngel

    Fr. Them ending together will be nothing but trauma bonding.
    But deep down I really want dohyeok to have his happy ending, not with siwoo but him being simply happy after having his redemption and growth. And t genuinely apologize for all the crimes he did

    Stan123 June 9, 2024 3:31 am
    it must be said… the whole point of the side story is the making and walking away from a toxic relationship. our brown hair babe is the ultimate green flag and realised that instead of wasting time on trying ... fallen_4ngel

    Brown hair aka Siwoo is definitely NOT a green flag. He literally SA red head in the first couple of side chapters. Sure he's a good friend but hes definitely NOT an angel, and has commitment issues.

    fallen_4ngel June 9, 2024 9:24 am
    Brown hair aka Siwoo is definitely NOT a green flag. He literally SA red head in the first couple of side chapters. Sure he's a good friend but hes definitely NOT an angel, and has commitment issues. Stan123

    omg ur totally right. i haven’t read this in ages so i kinda forgot. but yh like their relationship was never going to work. there was so much wrong with it and the author should do right by them and end it. thx for reminding me tho, shit is always more complicated than you want it to be

    Stan123 June 10, 2024 3:06 am
    omg ur totally right. i haven’t read this in ages so i kinda forgot. but yh like their relationship was never going to work. there was so much wrong with it and the author should do right by them and end it. ... fallen_4ngel

    Yeah, people forget that Siwoo is also a red flag. He's also manipulative (to red head) and changes boy toys every month bc he has commitment phobia. If the author shows both characters having character development then there's a small chance they can still be end game.