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LoonJun May 10, 2024 1:03 am

I miss Tara when she was heavier. Thick woman, strong enough to swing a hatchet around and get into a street fight, wrestle and tie up another man.
It was really nice to have a cute female lead that had a different body type from the rest of the stories.

Since this story is technically a flashback, I already knew Tara was gonna end up thin, but still I was hoping to have her stay chunky for a bit longer.

    Doo May 10, 2024 2:31 am

    same I liked her when she had some meat on her bones bc she not only looked healthier but also strongef. She doesn't look like she can hold a hatchet now.
    ik she "supposedly" became thinner only bc she worked so much she lost weight but it sounds just like an excuse

    yoru May 10, 2024 4:54 am

    yeah id understand if she lost a bit of weight but my girlie so small now