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Jake is a precious baby and the other men are lowkey trash-

Sapphire May 10, 2024 1:55 am

The guilttripping/gaslighting MC when all he wanted was for the ML to join a cause for equality was crazy like sorry he didn’t want to be publicly shamed and financially dependent on u for the rest of ur life bro…

Even when I read the threeshot in the anthology, I was bothered by the discrimination against carnivores and now I’m even more bothered by it LMAO herbivores be saying they used to be oppressed and now the carnivores get their just desserts, but ain’t no way there weren’t kid carnivores that never did anything wrong.

I liked the fox until he was cool with lighting MC on fire for not following his rebellion plan LOL I hope the sequel goes more into social equality between herbivores and carnivores starting with the rabbit and bull/ox //w// and ML addressing the power imbalance between him and MC due to their species… also, has MC been living on a mountain alone then? I’m surprised he didn’t do that from the beginning of the story tho since there’s a lower risk of being caught and reported LOL
