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So far so good

Beaniebby May 10, 2024 2:55 am

I'm enjoying the story so far. I do wish we knew how old everyone is. Cause for the Duke to look so young but already have 3 fully grown sons got me questioning ages. & For the prince to not have his coming of age ceremony yet that makes him practically a teenager. So this grown ass man has imprinted of this kid and is having sex with him. At first I was wondering how the imprint is one sided but now I'm thinking it's because the Duke knew him from a baby and groom him to trust him then made the naive prince fall in love with him. && How old is the merchant?

I am intrigued on how the Prince managed to get caught in the Duke web and what is the merchant ultimate goal.

    Sugarhoneyicedtea May 13, 2024 11:30 am

    So spoiler below

    When the King died, duke became the regent and forced the prince into a bond without his consent not long after his dads death. This was from a spoiler I read back towards the earlier chapters

    Beaniebby May 13, 2024 3:09 pm
    So spoiler belowWhen the King died, duke became the regent and forced the prince into a bond without his consent not long after his dads death. This was from a spoiler I read back towards the earlier chapters Sugarhoneyicedtea

    Oh wow how did he force him? Did he blackmail him? Or did the prince actually fall into love with the Duke?

    Sugarhoneyicedtea May 13, 2024 7:04 pm

    No idea but he does not love the duke, and he didn't blackmail him.

    Beaniebby May 13, 2024 8:37 pm
    No idea but he does not love the duke, and he didn't blackmail him. Sugarhoneyicedtea

    Hmmm maybe he caused him to go into heat and then had sex with him creating that link since it's one sided. And since he hasn't had his coming of age party maybe he didn't know that it could form. Since I'm guessing he probably was really young back then. Ahhh so many questions. Thank you for the spoilers:)

    Sugarhoneyicedtea May 14, 2024 4:54 am
    Hmmm maybe he caused him to go into heat and then had sex with him creating that link since it's one sided. And since he hasn't had his coming of age party maybe he didn't know that it could form. Since I'm gue... Beaniebby

    All I know for sure was he was forced to bond. I'm not sure if bonding is done by bite in this omegaverse like it is in others, but whatever happened he didn't consent to it. He absolutely despises the duke.