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Vero_Gx May 10, 2024 5:31 am

The way the author could have had advanced so much with the story if they didn't show us woojin and minho fucking every chapter I skipped those, like girlll ADVANCE WITH THE PLOTTTTTT

Third season finished in chap 95 btw and all we got was Woojin finally admitting he "loves" tae and we also get to see Tae is doing terrible in his acting job. Like please stay away from Tae, that boy deserves to heal, regain his confidence on stage, shine, be loved and JUST BE HAPPY ON HIS OWNNNNN

Woojin's back story, trauma, mental illness DO NAWTTTTT JUSTIFY NOR GIVE FORGIVENESS FOR THE CHEATING HE DID. Bebe that was not a regular cheat, that was a high class cheat, that was a CHEATEÉ

And what baffles me the most is that woojin knew, he knew how fucking bad it feels to be cheated on, HE EXPERIENCED IT ON HIS OWN SKIN FOR FUCK'S SAKE (we get to see how minho cheated on him the first time and all) HE KNEW WHAT IT FEEL LIKES WHEN THE PERSON YOU LOVE CHEATS ON YOU AND HE WENT AND DID IT TO TAE. And girlllll!!!! He was gonna continue doing so if Tae hadn't caught him likeeeeee????????

I hope I HOPE they don't end up together. Both of them need to heal and regain mental stability. That relationship cannot be put back together at all.
