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Honestly, it just keeps going from bad to worse. Like, Lucina can't even catch a break and...

Soti May 10, 2024 8:55 am

Honestly, it just keeps going from bad to worse. Like, Lucina can't even catch a break and you would think that after the shape shifters infiltrated the palace to kidnap her the first time, they would beef up security to make sure it never happens again, but nope. And if Hakan doesn't recognize the fact that the thing in front of him is a shape shifter and not Lucina, then I know the author is just confused. The things the fake Lucina said are things the real Lucina would NEVER say to Hakan.

I'm also surprised that after devouring their baby and causing Lucina to be barren, Hakan didn't turn the entire world upside down to find and kill the shape shifter responsible for it. Some dragon King he is. I was also hoping that the baby would still somehow be alive but I am quickly losing hope because it seems the author doesn't plan on letting that happen.

Lastly, why is Garrett still alive?!

    DarkMidnite May 10, 2024 9:30 pm

    RIGHT?!? Like go and bring back something of your baby so that you may rest them in peace! Like no rampage?! Why?!? Because an arrow hit you? MAN UP! security so terrible after all that shit went down but I kind understand. They lost a lot of men because of the invasion but still though....sigh it's so hard to just keep reading...