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Chapter 9 - I think this one is a bit trick

Akemilly May 10, 2024 3:53 pm

At first I thought it was her junior coworker. When he identified the brand and number of the lipstick she was wearing the creepy alert was ringing, but since it showed that he works with makeup it seems plausible... but it's still to early to discharge suspition. He works with her so he knows her schedule well and although it's true that we saw her receiving the creepy e-mails while he was with her and he wasn't on the phone, it is possible to schedule e-mail delivery. But dunno, maybe I'm just prejudicial because I dislike how he isn't mindful of her personal space at all and makes her uncomfortable.

The Guy with glasses seems like the most obvious rote because the figure of the person stalking her resembles him greatly, but frankly speaking, aside from the fact that he's too awkward around her and that he seems interested in her we know too little about him. He could be just socially awkward. But it's true that he was conveniently passing by when she was feeling uncomfortable with her junior coworker. So, too early to discharge suspition.

The Ex doesn't seem too suspicious in this situation...

Anyway, I hope for a good plot twist or at least an interesting plot, otherwise I will be greatly disappointed.

End of my long rant lol.

    Bee May 11, 2024 10:53 pm

    Ok but this new chick seems Sus too. I’m voting glasses or new chick