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Idk if we can call her an ex he literally didn't end things with n how he wasn't thinking ...

Titanium1 May 10, 2024 4:07 pm

Idk if we can call her an ex he literally didn't end things with n how he wasn't thinking about her at all in throwout the blind date after he was taking the chance to show her dad he's worth it n gave the blind date his number without mentioning anything still just shows he's trash like any other male he doesn't even deserve the girl in blind date
N let's not get started with the teenager that keeps getting feelings for him left n right also the dad doing in last chap is beyond me I just feel they're just making him worse to prolong the story than it needs

    elizaflame May 18, 2024 12:21 pm

    I am not sure but I think they went on a break or something