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Chapter 49

LaNansha May 11, 2024 2:06 am

1. I’m reeaaaally loving the gang lore. Everytime I learn a bit of it, I’m curious to see more.

2. Of course, in the middle of all this gang business, there had to be one crazy bxtch looking to kill TJ because he won’t marry her. If she’s actually the reason he ends up dying, I’ll reach through the screen to kill her myself. Can’t imagine a shxttier reason to die. If her old man makes it happen after TJ spared him, I’ll kill him too (through Ian who will undoubtedly do it it himself). More and more, it’s looking like the story might have a tragic ending with Ian falling back on the pills if TJ dies.

3. Aw, Ian has been going to familiar spots to find TJ. That flash of them smiling at each other…!!! Ian had such a happy smile on his face, I hope we get to see that again, outside of a flashback.
