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Readers with a Cheating Fetish Addiction

Hara May 11, 2024 10:08 pm

Raise your hand if you predict that omega is gonna fold fast. Spine where???

Anyway, if the author can change the story to make the beta cheat, then they can change the novel’s ending. Otherwise a lot of porn addicted degenerates with a cheating fetish are going to be celebrating. They must enjoy celebrating trash and a “traumatized” character. Love that the one that had tragic background goes on to pass on that trauma (to the beta) but gets a happy ending while their son is abandoned. Where was the “redemption”, where was the working to fix and address all their mistakes. Omega has a lot of dedication to their career and sexual needs, but doesn’t put that same time and effort into what should be their priority.

(p.s. the people bringing up other physically abusive webtoons are really projecting their own sick desires. Really exposing that they love stories with rape and stories with cheating)
