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Jo is a nice guy and all but it seems like TJ is a fan favorite. The author may have shot ...

Pmjriot May 11, 2024 3:15 am

Jo is a nice guy and all but it seems like TJ is a fan favorite. The author may have shot themselves in the foot if they’re thinking of killing TJ off or making Jo endgame. It’s not going to be received well. Personally, I’d like to see Ian not end up with anyone and realize that he needs to love himself first. Figure out how to live a meaningful life.

    Ash123G May 11, 2024 5:00 am

    JoxIan is my favorite! Tj is good but I liked Jo the moment I got to read his pov

    MOONCHILD May 16, 2024 1:59 pm

    "nice guy" I mean yes he's a nice to those who are nice to him but he will get into his dark phase in any moment soon when meet Jamie. The author know what she is doing lol. That's why she hasn't explored Jo's character yet. She is keeping him low profile while slowly hyping him. Jo is like character that not being what people expect him to be. He's the character that have suspense, surprise and curiosity. Even the bright moon has a dark side. Everyone want him to embrace the darkness within himself. I don't think she will kill anyone to make an endgame possible. That would be a lazy writing because she already power-ups TJ with the aspects of strong rival that isn't easy to win against. TJ having 19/20 years familiarity with Ian is not something easy for Jo to compete with. There's purpose for everything

    Pmjriot May 16, 2024 7:54 pm
    "nice guy" I mean yes he's a nice to those who are nice to him but he will get into his dark phase in any moment soon when meet Jamie. The author know what she is doing lol. That's why she hasn't explored Jo's ... MOONCHILD
