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Lmao she may be good for nothing but at least every words coming out of her mouth are inte...

Nu_nu_nu May 11, 2024 4:43 am

Lmao she may be good for nothing but at least every words coming out of her mouth are interesting. The only extremely uninteresting person is Shuunin and he is a simple ass man with little to no opinions, only goes with a flow except pissing off Michiko and then love her because his face is visible just because. Like boy, do something other than trying to save your relationship that YOU almost ruined with that complainy mouth. Like is his point of his useless boring existence depends on wether or not Michiko will get married? Lol. Just draw a stick figure with a d*ck hanging on his forehead like a unicorn to make him more cool at this point because a handsome face doesn’t work on me. I’ll stop there cause i won’t be able to stop, even tho i haven’t read it for a long time and i have no idea what i’m saying (≧∀≦)
