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Trash situation, trash top

Witchery May 11, 2024 6:38 am

I just can’t get over the level of disregard every single person has for Baekwoo. He’s being forced into marriage because the royal family is leveraging his health and safety to coerce him into it after they did the same to get his family to “agree” years ago. He was told to rearrange his entire life, give up his dreams of being an architect, and basically be an obedient little womb/puppet for whatever the royal family wants. Sure, the prince isn’t outright abusive, but he bargains with Baekwoo by dangling basic freedoms in front of him while gaslighting him to distract from the fact that the “rewards” he’s working towards are all basic rights that were taken from him overnight at the whim of the royal family. No matter how nice or protective he acts, the prince doesn’t respect Baekwoo’s free will and is an accomplice in his life being controlled. He basically gets to reap the benefits by playing good cop and swooping in when he’s vulnerable to score points, but the fact that he doesn’t fight for Baekwoo’s freedom makes him just as guilty as everyone else.
