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I love them sm

• みなみ • May 11, 2024 8:41 am

They're such a happy familyy now ueueue//sobbing
。゚・(ノД`)人(´Д`)人(Д` )・゚。 how dare that marquis paint her family to be the worst scum on earth when he's the crazy one?!?! I'm so glad that they clear up all the misunderstandings fast! I recommend giving this a read. They're funny af too hahhahaha ◟( ˘ ³˘)◞ ~♡⁼³₌₃
She was not abandoned by the duke. He was forced to go to war for a few years which is why he was never around. The duchess' passing is unclear but she didn't die from giving birth to her. She couldn't stay in the duke's house because she had really weak body that cannot handle the magic powers oozing from her 3 brothers.

Which is why the marquis(duke's brother in law) offered to take care of MC, saying that she will have a friend to hang out with as his daughter is about the same age. Duke agreed, knowing that the marquis is someone who pampers his daughter...assuming he will take good care of MC.

Duke never forgot about MC. He sent the marquis a bunch of funds for child support, sending auditors, sending her luxury birthday clothes every year, not knowing that everything that belongs to his daughter was taken by the marquis and that btchy cousin of MC.

To sum it up, MC got her revenge, and the duke destroyed marquis' family overnight for the cherry on top. Yay! Now she is peacefully(?) living with her doting family and will eventually meet future ML~~ and I'm really curious of the eldest brother!! Where is heee....probably at the academy in the capital?
