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Akenty May 11, 2024 10:13 am

Why tf is she so blind? "Oh, this world is different from the book. So weird. Well, that's alright, I'll keep on trying to pursue the story of the book anyway." "The Prime Minister is one of the antagonistic characters of the book, I won't suspect a thing about anything he proposes, I'm sure nothing will go wrong." "The saintess also isekaid, she is acting ooc, anyway I'll try to make her end up with him because of the plot even if she has tried to blame me for an injury she herself caused in front of me. I'm sure she's still the saintess" "How weird that the prime minister said he had eliminated the saintess but now they are working together?? Nothing suspicious here"

ML, you don't want to make her the empress. If your children inherit her intelligence, the country will get ruined in less than half a day.

    Cherryjam May 11, 2024 11:55 am

    Lol yes! She's severely lacking in common sense and brain cells.