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needed to make a topic just to complain about one of the reviews. so there’s one that’...

memoireantique May 11, 2024 10:41 am

needed to make a topic just to complain about one of the reviews. so there’s one that’s like “i don’t know how yano doesn’t second-guess odajima when he says he cut off all the girls, he was probably looking at a lot of women while still chasing yano” and it’s like……. way to miss the point. badly.

odajima’s entire thing is that he’s self-harming through sex because he’s gay. it’s self-enforced conversion therapy. he’s trying to force himself to become “normal” because of what his mom imposed on him, even when she immediately tried to take it back because she realized that single comment of hers, made in a moment of crazed grief, was ruining her son. him telling yano he cut off the girls is both a promise regarding his fidelity and assurance that he’s no longer going to run from himself or his sexuality, which yano suggested when he asked at one point why odajima didn’t try Being Himself. now he’s being himself and it’s thanks to yano.

anyways i love this one. i think it’s a well-told story and i hope volume 4 ends up being a timeskip hc i think it’s a missed opportunity that they’re still in high school at the end after talking about how their relationship won’t end when they graduate. college yano & odajima…. office life yano & odajima…. please…. anything…. i want to see them as happy adults in love who have kept their relationship going….
