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Okay, let's see if I understand correctly (spoiler ch 30)

Thechemist May 11, 2024 3:50 pm

ML's parents died in a car accident, and everything suggests that MC's “family” was involved in the matter. So far I understand, what I can't understand is why to treat MC this way, after all he was living outside the country for a long time and consequently didn't take part in the accident. If this accident occurred when they were children, the abuse that MC has been suffering becomes more difficult to digest, these “punishments” (in the form of sexual, physical and psychological assault) should not be aimed at MC, after all, he too lost his father “in an accident” and I'm not seeing him abusing people who are certainly not involved in the matter, just his family.

Another character that can be mentioned as being after revenge is the Doctor, and for now, he has appeared collecting information and I hope, with all my heart, that he directs it to the person who actually participated in his brother's death.

Anyway, in my opinion, if everyone manages to take revenge on their respective targets (which for me is a target in common for everyone, the “uncle”), the MC definitely shouldn't stay with the ML for everything he's been through, because in my opinion, no matter what kind of “redemption” ML has, he will never redeem himself enough.

NOTE: I do not support any type of punishment for any person, the comments above should only be taken into consideration within the context of this story.

    littleme0808 May 11, 2024 3:56 pm

    yeah, it wouldn't make sense for them to end up together