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The last thing Skylar needs is a relationship. He's the textbook definition of an abusive ...

Froggy May 11, 2024 4:39 pm

The last thing Skylar needs is a relationship. He's the textbook definition of an abusive emotionally unavailable bf. He can't reciprocate any of the efforts Cirrus puts like trying to talk it out or putting in the actual work for a relationship. Ch100 makes that very clear. Cirrus may communicate his feelings 24/7, what hurt him, what could make him better, even sharing his deepest traumas but skylar puts all his efforts down the drain. Reminding cirrus of his dad despite him trusting his life's most horrible experience with skylar is just wack. Imagine physically abusing your lover, really? Do they not live in a country of law?

    HRAensn May 11, 2024 5:10 pm

    Both of them aren’t ready tbh. Especially Skylar with how violent he can get and anger issues. Their unresolved traumas make it hard for them to be in a relationship. Readers don’t really call it out but Skylar tends to hit until there’s a mark on Cirrus and author passes it for comedic reasons. But the moment Cirrus throws a can, he’s killed for that by readers.

    Of course I ain’t justifying any of Cirrus’s behavior. I think they’re both in the wrong but people love to pick and choose and act as if Cirrus is the only wrong one here.

    Froggy May 11, 2024 5:15 pm
    Both of them aren’t ready tbh. Especially Skylar with how violent he can get and anger issues. Their unresolved traumas make it hard for them to be in a relationship. Readers don’t really call it out but Sk... HRAensn

    I agree with you 100% thank you for being 1 of the few people who can actually read this objectively (while so many of the readers are hypocrites...)

    Xia-chan May 11, 2024 5:36 pm

    I agree with you, cirrus did the courage to tell Skylar everything but he didn't. Cirrus is more open on what he feel happy,sad and even he is angry

    HRAensn May 11, 2024 5:38 pm
    I agree with you, cirrus did the courage to tell Skylar everything but he didn't. Cirrus is more open on what he feel happy,sad and even he is angry Xia-chan

    I think he’s trying more because of his abandonment issues and is the one effectively trying in the relationship from what I see anyways.

    bishounensupremacy May 11, 2024 6:15 pm

    cirrus is incredibly manipulative, has abandonment issues, anxious attachment and an insufferable habit of guilt tripping. he blocked chan ils messages without skylars permission (who is the one who made him start opening up to ppl again after what he went thru in middle school btw), was insensitive about his trauma and keeps doing things skylar is uncomfortable with. they both went through horrible things and have flaws but youre giving cirrus too much credit here. you dont get the ignoring boundaries ticket just bc you have trauma and daddy issues

    Froggy May 11, 2024 6:33 pm
    cirrus is incredibly manipulative, has abandonment issues, anxious attachment and an insufferable habit of guilt tripping. he blocked chan ils messages without skylars permission (who is the one who made him st... bishounensupremacy

    "Too much credit" how exactly? I said exactly what happened. You on the other hand probably read something else. Why should facts piss u off? cause also tell me how did cirrus manage to be "insensitive" about a trauma of the person he's shut off by? Boils down to skylar not giving a f on what goes on cirrus's mind cause he can't even bother explaining his behavior but can only continue to make cirrus more miserable. No one's sanity will last when they alone do majority if not all of the work in a relationship. And mind u I'm still just sticking to their role as each other' bfs, at the end of the day their past isn't enough of an excuse and love isn't enough to make a relationship last

    HRAensn May 11, 2024 6:36 pm
    cirrus is incredibly manipulative, has abandonment issues, anxious attachment and an insufferable habit of guilt tripping. he blocked chan ils messages without skylars permission (who is the one who made him st... bishounensupremacy

    Nobody excused that, they’re just putting their thoughts of Cirrus’s side and his POV. There’s also those comments with Skylar’s side to explain.

    The thing is, Skylar hasn’t opened up so Cirrus has no idea what trauma he has but I believe that once Skylar opens up, Cirrus will feel really sorry for being insensitive and apologize. While I don’t think Skylar should be forced to open up, how long can Cirrus wait and feel like Skylar is being distant with their relationship? And then being called a second choice just made his fears come to life. He fears being left behind especially by the one he loves. I’m sure Skylar didn’t mean that though, I want to believe he loves Cirrus.

    Just like how Cirrus don’t get the pass for going through stuff and his insensitive remarks, Skylar doesn’t get the pass for physically attacking someone that he KNOWS has trauma and related to physical abuse. That’s why people are more mad at Skylar, and he had beaten to the point of causing bleeding.

    This isn’t just a one time where Skylar has hit, he’s done this multiple times but it’s turned into comedic and readers don’t take it seriously. But the moment Cirrus threw a can at his back (not justifying it but calling out reader’s hypocrisy), people act shocked. Skylar has violent tendencies, and Cirrus has more of manipulative tendencies and more, he’s gotten a bit worse now because of his insecurities. Both are wrong but Skylar did go too far this time, I wouldn’t have argued if he gave Cirrus a smack or two because Cirrus definitely also crossed the line—but causing bleeding isn’t it.

    Cirrus also needs to stop snooping around his partner’s phone and try to trust his partner more, I’m sure Skylar felt hurt and said those things on purpose to make Cirrus hurt because Skylar was hurt. Ugh, teenagers with mental health isn’t easy to deal with.

    HRAensn May 11, 2024 6:42 pm
    "Too much credit" how exactly? I said exactly what happened. You on the other hand probably read something else. Why should facts piss u off? cause also tell me how did cirrus manage to be "insensitive" about a... Froggy

    This is the issue, Skylar not opening up, while Skylar shouldn’t be forced to open up—how long can Cirrus wait?

    Cirrus was definitely being an asshole though and provoked Skylar, but Skylar took it too far. That’s the whole situation that happened. These two frustrates me, even their make-up scenes look depressing.

    bishounensupremacy May 11, 2024 6:53 pm
    "Too much credit" how exactly? I said exactly what happened. You on the other hand probably read something else. Why should facts piss u off? cause also tell me how did cirrus manage to be "insensitive" about a... Froggy

    shouting about their relationship and all that in a place anyone could see them when he is clearly aware that skylar doesn't want to be outed is being insensitive. forcing him to cut off his best friend (who helped skylar get himself together when he didnt even know him) just because he had a jealous meltdown is being insensitive. there wasn't even anything physically intimate going on between them skylar didnt cheat on him or anything. bringing up his supposed middle school trauma in the middle of a fight to corner him when he knows skylar isn't comfortable with sharing it yet is being insensitive. you don't owe someone your deepest secrets when you're in a relationship, trust is built over time and cirrus rushing him is clearly not helping. constantly guilt tripping and suffocating the person you're in a relationship with is far from 'doing the majority of work in a relationship' they just have different boundaries and different ways of coping with trauma. skylar having the courage to pursue a romantic relationship with someone of the same sex after being bullied, ridiculed and betrayed for it IS effort

    bishounensupremacy May 11, 2024 6:57 pm
    Nobody excused that, they’re just putting their thoughts of Cirrus’s side and his POV. There’s also those comments with Skylar’s side to explain. The thing is, Skylar hasn’t opened up so Cirrus has no... HRAensn

    yeah i get that i just think its hypocritical to think cirrus is trying oh so hard and all skylar is doing is being an ass. theyre both trying. it would probably be better if they stayed friends for a bit longer though

    HRAensn May 11, 2024 7:18 pm
    yeah i get that i just think its hypocritical to think cirrus is trying oh so hard and all skylar is doing is being an ass. theyre both trying. it would probably be better if they stayed friends for a bit longe... bishounensupremacy

    Well I don’t believe that Skylar is only being an ass lol, both of them are ass right now and they’re communicating in an unhealthy way. It’s good that they expressed themselves especially Cirrus but not in a proper and calm communicative manner.

    And I agree. Skylar confessed to him, Cirrus being the simp he is, agreed. They should’ve sorted this all out before dating tbh.

    HRAensn May 11, 2024 7:24 pm
    shouting about their relationship and all that in a place anyone could see them when he is clearly aware that skylar doesn't want to be outed is being insensitive. forcing him to cut off his best friend (who he... bishounensupremacy

    That is a good take. You saying that Skylar having courage to pursue a relationship with same gender after his trauma, I agree that is courageous. It seems like Cirrus is putting in more effort, but that is because he grew up without affection and usually teens from such households tend to be really possessive and try to do almost anything to keep one by their side…so yes Cirrus is putting in a lot of effort—at the same time he’s hurting Skylar and doubting his love.

    Skylar didn’t help much by calling him a second choice and that’s when Cirrus spiraled out of control and yelled how Skylar is lying etc with that terrified look on his face. Honestly I felt frightened by this situation, their expressions were drawn so well and realistically.

    I just don’t think Cirrus is connecting two dots since Skylar isn’t opening up (he should take his time opening up when he’s ready because I don’t think Cirrus should be left in the dark either). Both of them aren’t helping each other tbh, they should take a break and relax. Even their make up scenes look depressing…

    Cirrus has a bunch of insecurities built up and the things he’s doing is provoking Skylar. Even if he does put in effort, he’s doing it the wrong way and pissing Skylar off.

    Ghourl_#Spill da Tea ☕ May 11, 2024 10:52 pm

    So on point . I can finally read some realistic comments about the situation of this chapter , it’s like standing for Cirrus was a crime rn , when it’s very objective how Cirrus is the victim here bcz his partner makes him insecure in their relationship without giving to Cirrus love , attention and care ; and those things are what Cirrus needs most bcz he grew up without that around him and is now left alone , no family . Skylar at least knows he can count on his mom and sister who cares much for him but for Cirrus , Skylar is his world and univers and the only one earth that he has and count on receiving love. And it’s very sad that Skylar can’t see things that way behind Cirrus’s actions

    HRAensn May 11, 2024 11:13 pm
    So on point . I can finally read some realistic comments about the situation of this chapter , it’s like standing for Cirrus was a crime rn , when it’s very objective how Cirrus is the victim here bcz his p... Ghourl_#Spill da Tea ☕

    I don’t think Skylar deserves a lot of hate because his reaction is valid, your partner is literally possessive and controlling you, that is wrong and not normal. Cirrus is to blame for that.

    But Skylar doesn’t really try to make Cirrus feel reassured either. And Skylar knew about his trauma but resorted to full on beating Cirrus till there was blood.

    Froggy May 12, 2024 7:55 am
    shouting about their relationship and all that in a place anyone could see them when he is clearly aware that skylar doesn't want to be outed is being insensitive. forcing him to cut off his best friend (who he... bishounensupremacy

    I'm just gonna say, if you actually read the comments you would know I'm mocking a cirrus anti by copying some of their exact words and still giving them a reality check

    Froggy May 12, 2024 7:58 am
    shouting about their relationship and all that in a place anyone could see them when he is clearly aware that skylar doesn't want to be outed is being insensitive. forcing him to cut off his best friend (who he... bishounensupremacy

    The more I read what you wrote is just agreeing with my point while excusing it. isn't enough for a relationship so if you can't help taking your part in it then it's factual you should be don't have any reason to get worked up over what my POV is in the original post especially considering this is a clap back post. So don't say this is unfair

    bishounensupremacy May 12, 2024 8:07 am
    The more I read what you wrote is just agreeing with my point while excusing it. isn't enough for a relationship so if you can't help taking your part in it then it's factual you should be single..... Froggy

    my bad i havent seen the other comment. would probably help if you posted it in the same thread instead of making a seperate post though

    Ghourl_#Spill da Tea ☕ May 12, 2024 9:44 am
    I don’t think Skylar deserves a lot of hate because his reaction is valid, your partner is literally possessive and controlling you, that is wrong and not normal. Cirrus is to blame for that.But Skylar doesn�... HRAensn

    And neither did I say Skylar deserves hate , if you read me well , you should simply understand that I’m more standing for Cirrus than Skylar. I’m very conscious that both of them fucked up , not just skylar but my feelings goes more for Cirrus bcz Cirrus suffers a lot than Skylar. Talking of his possessive his side , you can’t blame him for that if you read the same Lost in The Cloud with me . You saw how he growth up , the things he experienced in his childhood, he had no mom and always find a way to have one through his steps moms who rejected him , his own father wished him to be death instead of his mother , he had to find a personae of a dad through his teacher in junior school but later on his teacher abuse him sexually ... all his life bro was alone and just needed someone to be with him and give him love. It’s not his fault if he is possessive, he growth up without knowing the feeling of someone who can love him in return , that’s why he wants Skylar for him alone , for Skylar to give him the love no one did give to him.

    Froggy May 13, 2024 8:17 am
    my bad i havent seen the other comment. would probably help if you posted it in the same thread instead of making a seperate post though bishounensupremacy

    Cause this deserved it's own separate post

    HRAensn May 13, 2024 3:44 pm
    And neither did I say Skylar deserves hate , if you read me well , you should simply understand that I’m more standing for Cirrus than Skylar. I’m very conscious that both of them fucked up , not just skyla... Ghourl_#Spill da Tea ☕

    I never said you said it. I’m just saying it in general.