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The reason for not giving the throne is wack. Just bcs rumors were planted and they didn't...

INeedBleachForMyEyes May 11, 2024 4:46 pm

The reason for not giving the throne is wack. Just bcs rumors were planted and they didn't even try to do anything to prove or disprove it, that's so stupid. It can just be the Esmeralda dude trying to ruin the prince's reputation so he won't get the declaration of heirship to the throne so the emperor's nephew could get a chance at sitting on it.

LMAO the author tried to give a plot and to move it but it fell flatter than the flat earthers model of the earth smh

    OLICAT May 12, 2024 12:45 pm

    I thing is the empress benefiting the rumors. Because her husband never want her have a child. And now because the rumors he want her with child. And if it's a success she can be the mother of the futur empereur. ( ̄へ ̄)

    ... May 13, 2024 11:43 am
    I thing is the empress benefiting the rumors. Because her husband never want her have a child. And now because the rumors he want her with child. And if it's a success she can be the mother of the futur empereu... OLICAT

    Maybe but I don’t she can have a child now. Or even guarantee that she can live after she has one so it can’t be her. The cousin is a good possibility. But still it’s stupid. He LED the knights against them. So why would be collude with them?

    I think it’s that old guy Milton (?) the one helping the bully sister with her coffee venture. He seems suspicious.