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I also feel is way to forced the 'I don't care if you commit suicide' lol, with ' Idc if y...

Kuku May 11, 2024 6:19 pm

I also feel is way to forced the 'I don't care if you commit suicide' lol, with ' Idc if you die' was enough and credible. Whatever, couldn't care less about yoen, he's still a bitch who fool around with his brother's crush and whatever he says that 'it just happened' is not true because even aryka said that when he wanted to talk about vince yoen would just evade him,fucking trash. Honestly, with the way things are turning out I don't feel comfortable with them ending up together anymore, not after knowing that Vince didn't give a shit about Aryka in his human self. If they somehow end up together, I hope is after Vince suffer a lot and really get over Yoen, and as I said before, if Aryka goes back to his human self I hope he forget about Vince.
