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I don't know what to feel.

LAlaLand May 11, 2024 6:24 pm

Honestly speaking, I find the start really bad. No proper introductory or whatever, it straight up go how this story will be and should be, and it's quite infatuating. "How can this story be interesting like others?" I thought to myself. It's too sloopy, like how Soowon wrote the story about himself and the popular kid Sung-ahn or whatever his name is— which I didn't get quite the point at first. Is it revelation or just an imaginative story he made up, either it sounds bad at first like how this story started. It was futile, my impression at first.

If it weren't for the latest chapter I would not understand where this story would go really. Anyway, despite of its poor introduction to the story it did have it's redemption in the later chapter. I just hope it's progress doesn't go downhill and continuously feed me. (▰˘◡˘▰)
