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Sajiao May 11, 2024 7:12 pm

Imagine reading a perfectly good action, adventure and fantasy novel with op mc and getting invested in it but it suddenly got ruined because there's too much love interests that it doesn't make sense anymore brooo I know mc is attractive and all but do you have to make every living female (except his sister) simp for him??? AND NOT ONCE DID HE STUMBLED ACROSS A MAN THAT CAN POTENTIALLY BE HIS COMPANION OR RIVAL?!! Don't give me bullshits like hE's nOt aTtRactEd tO tHeM anYwAyS~ FUCK THAT! HAVE YOU RUN OUT OF IDEAS THAT YOU BRING IN HAREM TO ATTRACT READERS?!! WHY RUIN A PERFECTLY GOOD PLOT WITH A HAREM?! And another one dropped. Srsly, the amount of mmm with this genre that doesn't have harem is just too little.

    Bullshit May 15, 2024 12:43 am

    Ok but like the “harem” isn’t even making the story bad like that it’s still good

    Sajiao May 15, 2024 2:18 am

    Yeah, there are some who don't think harem ruins the plot but there are also some who believes that harem totally ruins the whole plot. It's a matter of preference.