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A beautiful death...

Lovable May 11, 2024 9:21 pm

This Writing...this story is a beautiful death...a very beautifully written story... A kind of realistic portrayal of kids who grown up in a prostitusion life is very harsh and relations degrade because of money and living. And how Shiraki himself helped him to be out of that gutter of living. Yeah we all can never forgive his mother (all the reasons). And that's why there are phrases like ( all kids deserves parents but not every parent deserves a kid). I love how author somehow tamed down the traumatic darkest parts of story with there cute chibi artstyle but still the pang on my heart was louder with every dialogue from Shiraki. Oh God....once a moment I thought that I'll die from the heart ache it's too heavy. But I'm happy they loved eachother even after all those years. And the dialogue which won my heart (it's my burden GIVE IT BACK TO ME) oh God Shiraki my boy you have my heart.
