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Pros and cons May 11, 2024 10:11 pm

I guess being in the royal family has its pros and cons, reading this made me realize that in order for a person to get into the royal family you have to make alot of sacrifices that includes your dream/career that doesn't fit the royal family.

Hopefully Baekwoo would realize how his own feelings are disregarded and him bring coerced into this, and for the crown prince in a way I kinda understand why he acts the way he act's ever since he was a child (based on the previous chapters) he was nurtured into becoming a crown prince, how to think and act like one.

Baekwoo’s mom, the crown prince and the royal family are really selfish for doing this to him, his mom for keeping it a secret that he is a dominant omega, and just simply asked for forgiveness like it wasn’t a big deal, the crown prince I don’t even know where to begin, if I remember correctly the first time they met he asked him to have his babies like hell no, that there was really an ick; though he did realized later on he shouldn’t have said that to confused and disoriented Baekwoo

Lastly to the royal family, man they really are something pretty privileged, they do they want, also secretary hong is getting out of line, like really even eating snacks before bed?!

Ooooh almost forgot about the crown prince brother or cousin, did they just let him off that easily after him assaulting Baekwoo in the bathrooms?
