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Was cute until it wasn’t cute anymore. 1.) he’s acting like a stalker for no reason 2...

Devvyv May 11, 2024 10:45 pm

Was cute until it wasn’t cute anymore.
1.) he’s acting like a stalker for no reason
2.) he does things that he doesn’t need to do, and the other person doesn’t want
3.) he didn’t stop when told no
I’ve had all of this happen to me, in 1 relationship, just like this, and it was the most terrifying experience of my life.

Why is the trope of cutesy unrequited love being ruined by psychos a thing??? I was so happy, and hoping that the tops creepy faces meant nothing… how unfortunate…

    kazooee May 11, 2024 11:20 pm

    Yeah, his jealousy turned into scary insecure controlling really quickly and jeonghoon is too in the lovey dovey phase to see how he's trying to basically isolate him by asking him to delete all phone numbers, not liking when he hangs out with any friends, and then just showing up wherever he is to take him away. Two years in the future and jeonghoon is going to be stuck isolated with no friends, no connections, and reliant on his controlling abusive boyfriend for everything. It's too bad there are so many red flags rn bc it was a really cute unrequited double sided crush in the beginning, but dude needs therapy for real.

    Stay May 12, 2024 6:31 am
    Yeah, his jealousy turned into scary insecure controlling really quickly and jeonghoon is too in the lovey dovey phase to see how he's trying to basically isolate him by asking him to delete all phone numbers, ... kazooee

    Yes, can’t wait to see what happens next when (or if) he realizes