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yappity yap yap

Nichuchu May 12, 2024 12:25 am

when anxious-avoidant attachment and anxious attachment start dating each other...

They are both young and still need to face and sort out the many traumas that they went through in order to have a happy relationship. If they leave their issues with past loves to rot then how are you supposed to have a healthy relationship moving forward? Those emotions do not just disappear over time.. THE AUTHOR PORTRAYS THIS BEAUTIFULLY.

Relationships are always going to be a push and pull. I think Skylar saw something in Cirrus, not as a replacement for Chan Il, he genuinely had affection for him as a person. As long as Skylar keeps that in mind, I hope this is not his breaking point even though Cirrus said some crazy a** s*** to him. It's true that Skylar is afraid of attachment because of what happened in the past but it's not Cirrus' place to bring it up. He's definitely stepping over so many boundaries and does not know how to communicate because of his toxic ass family.

I hope the best for them because I think they could be happy if they helped each other, but a lot needs to happen before they get to that point. I think these two have the ability to give each other strength to work for a healthier relationship as long as they both put in the effort. I'm so excited to see how these characters develop!!

(i feel insane for loving these 2 :))

    HRAensn May 12, 2024 12:57 am

    I love to yap. And I agree so much that Skylar doesn’t see him as a second choice. He doesn’t even love Chan-il I think but doesn’t realize that, he doesn’t realize he’s just looking for the nicer version of Minwoo in someone who looks similar to Minwoo.

    Nichuchu May 12, 2024 4:22 am
    I love to yap. And I agree so much that Skylar doesn’t see him as a second choice. He doesn’t even love Chan-il I think but doesn’t realize that, he doesn’t realize he’s just looking for the nicer ver... HRAensn

    Certified yapper here.

    I definitely agree! I think he may have had a crush on him cause he looked like Minwoo's "type" with the bubbly and cheerful but he was genuinely really nice which is something Skylar needed after being literally traumatized by his first love and also best friend, it felt like an oppoutunity to maybe heal and get over it by having Chan Il as Minwoo's stand-in.

    Cirrus is different in the fact that their relationship and feeling towards each other are actually rooted in reality and experiences they've had with each other that were a lot less one sided than a crush. They do have a good dynamic going on when they're not at each other's throats. There's things that they can build on if they tried to nurture the relationship.