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I really like this series, the art is also fabulous. Also I think the situation with doha'...

Kai May 12, 2024 1:16 am

I really like this series, the art is also fabulous. Also I think the situation with doha's parents is similar to euiyoung in waterside night, except minus the severe abuse from the alpha father. The omega father had the baby, rejected it, left it with someone else, then the father came back eventually to try and fix things (though failed) while beta dad in this series seems to be trying to mend things but it's awkward.

Anyway, my fave series at the moment since all my other faves are on season ending hiatus' lol. I'm a hoe foe cute pink haired boys ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

    Shabby Thesealion May 12, 2024 3:10 am

    Wait what? Left it with "someone else" Are you saying uke's dad is not the Beta ? Cause what i understand from reading it. The omega dad found out about our uke after they broke up (beta dad x omega dad ) couldn't kill uke nor love him so he dumped uke on his ex's door step (the beta dad) and then he went off looking for "romantic love" from other alphas...

    Kai May 12, 2024 5:59 am
    Wait what? Left it with "someone else" Are you saying uke's dad is not the Beta ? Cause what i understand from reading it. The omega dad found out about our uke after they broke up (beta dad x omega dad ) coul... Shabby Thesealion

    I was talking about two separate series in my comment. Beta is uke's dad.